The Print in the North -
The Age of Albrecht Dürer and Lucas Van Leyden:
Selections from the Metropolitan Museum of Art

March 23 - June 17, 2002

Adam and Eve

Drawn from one of the finest collections of northern Gothic and Renaissance prints in the world, this exhibition will provide a survey of the major developments in printmaking in Northern Europe between 1440 and 1550, a period of intense innovation and dramatic change. Comprised of more than eighty religious subjects, portraits, landscapes, and architectural and mythological scenes, The Print in the North will follow the rise of printmaking as a medium for artistic expression, as well as explore technical innovations in engraving, etching, and woodcut.

Albrecht Dürer, Adam and Eve, 1504

The Print in the North has been generously sponsored by The RiverStone Group, LLC.
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